Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Others opinion....

  Tim Burton as you know remakes movies, and in my opinion I think his version is the best, but that is just my opinion. Others might say ‘Classic is better’but that is just because they do not understand how and why Tim Burton does things in his movies. Such as Alice in Wonderland comapred to Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass. Even though they should not compare since Through the Looking Glass was the second book, not the original, they were completely different. Like the first one is when Alice was a 9 year old little girl, her first time in Wonderland. While in the second one is when Alice comes back as 18 year old not remembering anything since she grew up and does not use her imagination any longer. But at the end Alice has to save her Wonderland dream by beating the dragon that Queen made her face with.


   Another movie he remaked, that everybody was arguing about the pros and cons in this movie, was Willy Wonka and the Chocoalate Factory with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In this movie we had two different side of the stories, the first one was all about Willy Wonka and how he became what he is today, while the remake was about Charlie, the little boy who won at the end of the game. This movie showed Charlie's background, how he was raised in a family that was poor with his father being layed off around in the 1940s, and how he was a sweet son that helped taking care of his family including the two sets of grandparents that were very ill.

With other people strong opinion about Tim Burton it then affected others when they see his movies, since everybody in this world are followers. Like if someone said that a movie is a scary, then the person they told is not gonna go see the movie because they do not wanna be scared, even though everybody thinks differently and they might be scared of different things than others.
This is why I do not influence others in my decisions, even if what the critics say that its a rated 'B' movie, because everybody has a different opinion in what they see.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Questions on Tim Burton.....

Some people may not have the same  opinion as me about how you view in certain movies, that is why I will ask these questions, to understand how others are thinking like when they see a different type of movies.
1.       Could you recite any movies that you have seen that has been directed by Tim Burton? If so, what is your opinion on them.
   Alice in Wonderland, Coraline, Nightmare before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Sweeny Todd, Corpse Bride, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Angie feels like they are different, good, and scary. She but her top movie is Alice in Wonderland.
2.       What facts do you already know about Tim Burton and or his wife, Helena?
  The only facts she knows is that he is weird but a good director.
3.       What is your favorite movie by Tim Burton?
 Alice in Wonderland
4.       How does his movies are different from other movies?
 I love scary movies but I'm not scared of them they just creep me out.
5.       What movies have you see his wife, Helena in?
  Alice in Wonderland, and Sweeny Todd.
6.       Do you like Tim Burton, if so why?
Ya, because i watch his movies.
7.       The movies that Tim Burton has made from books to movies, did you think the books or the movies was better to visualize?
I did not read any of the books.
8.       What is your favorite movie of all time, and it does not have to be a movie that has been directed by Tim Burton?
White chicks
9.       What is your favorite movie genre?
Horror and comedy.
10.   When you read a story that gets made into a movie, which do you like better book or movie?
The movies are better because I don't like reading. And waiting to finish reading 8 chapters when i can see it summed up in 10 minutes. 
Angie was my interviewer and she answered all the questions, I am actually shocked how much she knew about Tim Burton and his life.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My obsession....

Tim Burton as you know has become very successful for the past couple of years. Especially in the 1990s where the Hollywood lights beamed right on him for the movies he has directed in, such as: Edward Scissorhands, Batman Begins, and Nightmare before Christmas. As all actors and actresses are the same as directors, they have their own type that they will stick too. Well in the 1990s that is when he decided that he should branch out and discover new things to do to get a new visual and output on things. All of his movies still have his quirkiness, darkness and occasional love story. But in the end they are completely different. Sweeney Todd was a musical but at the same time Corpse Bride came out which was a musical too but had a totally different kind of plot to its story.

Tim Burton: Filmmaker, by Lynette, Rachel. 2007.


Burton became to really branch out on things right after the movie he had to animate for, Fox and the Hound. For that movie, he had to draw 30 pictures of a slight difference in each picture. That is when he decided animation was not a job for him. His first movie that he got to really put his input in by making the characters the way he wanted them to be was in The Black Cauldron. He always knew that he was an outcast but because of that he became so known today. You rarely hear anybody say that they do not know who he is. After the 1990s his name became huge, his name as you say in Hollywood was in big lights. When people watched at least one of his movies, he gained new fans. When you see one you then have an urge to see another like an obsession. Or try to know new information about him or see if he is going to make a sequel of the movie that you just saw. That is how I became obsessed in his work. Try to see one of his movies and see if you become obsessed like me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Personal Essay.....

Tim Burton became my hero at a very young age. Since my sister is as obsessed as I am to this famous director we just fed each other information, sometimes I will tell her something she didn’t know about him and vice versa.

When I first started to become a big fan, my sister introduced me into Nightmare Before Christmas. It came out in 1993, the year I was born so I had to wait a couple of years to actually understand what was going in this movie. By the time I was 8, I could recite all the lines and songs in this movie. Everything to me was impressive of how Tim Burton did certain things, like the face Jack the Pumpkin King smile were in all of his movies after Nightmare Before Christmas came out.
   When I turned 8 I had to get caught up to all the movies he made in 8 years, there was: Ed Wood, Mars Attack, and Sleepy Hollow. My favorite movie of all time was Mars Attack. Even though it did not get great reviews I still loved everything about it. It was his most complete different movie from what others have directed.

This website when I was younger helped me, find out how everything became for Tim Burton become what he is today. The most famous, wacky, different director ever been alive or at least in this century.  If you have not seen any of his movies that he has produced or directed then you do not know what you are missing. People have different opinions on movies but everyone has the same opinion that Tim Burton does have talent and that he changed this movie industry.