Thursday, April 21, 2011

final post....

Since this is my final post and I will not be going further on with making blogs. Blogs were a new a thing for me, I have never done them before, which made me learn a lot more about the blogging world than what I expected to learn about them. Also the subject that I have been talking about for 9 weeks now have taught me more about Tim Burton, than expected.
  When I first started making blogs about Tim Burton the only thing I knew about Tim was that he made some outlandish movies that made it to the big screen, that were different from other movies with the quirkiness and darkness he has in his directing and producing of movies. With the blogs I then had to research about Tim, which I then learned the reasons behind all the decisions he has made on the screen and his background since his childhood.
   I did not even know that I could do this, but I just became even more of a fan of Tim Burton’s. His path to become a famous director was moving to me, how he came from a small town and was always made fun of as a child because of his quirkiness.
  With all the movies I have seen of his, it could be the first time or the twentieth, I was always still amazed that I still could see things that I have never seen before that it was there with its miniscule sly jokes it has. Some of the jokes were even about what is happening to the world nowadays. For example, Jack the Pumpkin King from Nightmare before Christmas, ever since that movie was released, Tim Burton always put Jack’s smile in a background some way. He could make it noticeable or a small extra that you would have to see the movie for the thirtieth time to finally see the movie.
   With Tim’s fame he gained, he also gained new friends that were or are still phenomenal actors and actresses, that could even make the movie better, which I thought was not even possible. Such as Johnny Depp, which he considers his very talented best friend. Johnny was in movies of Tim Burton’s was Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd, and Headless Horseman, and in the future he will be doing a remake of Wizard of the Oz too. He also gained a wife, Helena Bonham Carter. She has the same quirkiness as Tim does, which makes them a perfect match, and the roles she plays in Burton’s movie are practically made for her. Movies she has been in was, Alice in Wonderland, and Sweeney Todd, and for the future she is going to be in Wizard of the Oz. You can say that they are a cup of tea together.
Making these blogs have helped me a lot, more experience in the blog world, learned new information about Tim Burton and has helped me with my English.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

American Idol....

Most of my life I have always been influenecd in the music industry. I have no clue what I want to be, but no matter what I know that music will always be in my life. I know that I can not become a professional singer because you must no someone to become a someone, and in this town I wont become big. That is why this year I will audition on American Idol.
I have been in chorus, and musicals all of my life. I have been in Lion King, I was the only one who had a solo in it. Also was in West Side Story and now 25th annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. I also have been in all county for 3 years and have almost gone to state, but I did not pass a test, sadly. It would have been a great experience. And this year I also became a Thespian and went to districts and got an excellent. Since 6th grade I have always had the spot light on me. That is what I call home now.
If I had to choose what my favorite type of music it would have to be classic rock like Queens or Aerosmith. I literally though listen to every type of music on this earth! I mean what 17 year old do you know that actually listens to opera?! And not just the famous Ave Maria, I actually have CDs.
So if I ever do make it big I will make sure I remember the little people in Port Saint john, and remember to call my number if I make it on the American idol stage. (:
Even if you do not like my voice, just think that who will really become big in this small of a town that we live in. Just think of the opportunities now people would have.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Others opinion....

  Tim Burton as you know remakes movies, and in my opinion I think his version is the best, but that is just my opinion. Others might say ‘Classic is better’but that is just because they do not understand how and why Tim Burton does things in his movies. Such as Alice in Wonderland comapred to Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass. Even though they should not compare since Through the Looking Glass was the second book, not the original, they were completely different. Like the first one is when Alice was a 9 year old little girl, her first time in Wonderland. While in the second one is when Alice comes back as 18 year old not remembering anything since she grew up and does not use her imagination any longer. But at the end Alice has to save her Wonderland dream by beating the dragon that Queen made her face with.

   Another movie he remaked, that everybody was arguing about the pros and cons in this movie, was Willy Wonka and the Chocoalate Factory with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In this movie we had two different side of the stories, the first one was all about Willy Wonka and how he became what he is today, while the remake was about Charlie, the little boy who won at the end of the game. This movie showed Charlie's background, how he was raised in a family that was poor with his father being layed off around in the 1940s, and how he was a sweet son that helped taking care of his family including the two sets of grandparents that were very ill.

With other people strong opinion about Tim Burton it then affected others when they see his movies, since everybody in this world are followers. Like if someone said that a movie is a scary, then the person they told is not gonna go see the movie because they do not wanna be scared, even though everybody thinks differently and they might be scared of different things than others.
This is why I do not influence others in my decisions, even if what the critics say that its a rated 'B' movie, because everybody has a different opinion in what they see.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Questions on Tim Burton.....

Some people may not have the same  opinion as me about how you view in certain movies, that is why I will ask these questions, to understand how others are thinking like when they see a different type of movies.
1.       Could you recite any movies that you have seen that has been directed by Tim Burton? If so, what is your opinion on them.
   Alice in Wonderland, Coraline, Nightmare before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Sweeny Todd, Corpse Bride, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Angie feels like they are different, good, and scary. She but her top movie is Alice in Wonderland.
2.       What facts do you already know about Tim Burton and or his wife, Helena?
  The only facts she knows is that he is weird but a good director.
3.       What is your favorite movie by Tim Burton?
 Alice in Wonderland
4.       How does his movies are different from other movies?
 I love scary movies but I'm not scared of them they just creep me out.
5.       What movies have you see his wife, Helena in?
  Alice in Wonderland, and Sweeny Todd.
6.       Do you like Tim Burton, if so why?
Ya, because i watch his movies.
7.       The movies that Tim Burton has made from books to movies, did you think the books or the movies was better to visualize?
I did not read any of the books.
8.       What is your favorite movie of all time, and it does not have to be a movie that has been directed by Tim Burton?
White chicks
9.       What is your favorite movie genre?
Horror and comedy.
10.   When you read a story that gets made into a movie, which do you like better book or movie?
The movies are better because I don't like reading. And waiting to finish reading 8 chapters when i can see it summed up in 10 minutes. 
Angie was my interviewer and she answered all the questions, I am actually shocked how much she knew about Tim Burton and his life.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My obsession....

Tim Burton as you know has become very successful for the past couple of years. Especially in the 1990s where the Hollywood lights beamed right on him for the movies he has directed in, such as: Edward Scissorhands, Batman Begins, and Nightmare before Christmas. As all actors and actresses are the same as directors, they have their own type that they will stick too. Well in the 1990s that is when he decided that he should branch out and discover new things to do to get a new visual and output on things. All of his movies still have his quirkiness, darkness and occasional love story. But in the end they are completely different. Sweeney Todd was a musical but at the same time Corpse Bride came out which was a musical too but had a totally different kind of plot to its story.

Tim Burton: Filmmaker, by Lynette, Rachel. 2007.


Burton became to really branch out on things right after the movie he had to animate for, Fox and the Hound. For that movie, he had to draw 30 pictures of a slight difference in each picture. That is when he decided animation was not a job for him. His first movie that he got to really put his input in by making the characters the way he wanted them to be was in The Black Cauldron. He always knew that he was an outcast but because of that he became so known today. You rarely hear anybody say that they do not know who he is. After the 1990s his name became huge, his name as you say in Hollywood was in big lights. When people watched at least one of his movies, he gained new fans. When you see one you then have an urge to see another like an obsession. Or try to know new information about him or see if he is going to make a sequel of the movie that you just saw. That is how I became obsessed in his work. Try to see one of his movies and see if you become obsessed like me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Personal Essay.....

Tim Burton became my hero at a very young age. Since my sister is as obsessed as I am to this famous director we just fed each other information, sometimes I will tell her something she didn’t know about him and vice versa.

When I first started to become a big fan, my sister introduced me into Nightmare Before Christmas. It came out in 1993, the year I was born so I had to wait a couple of years to actually understand what was going in this movie. By the time I was 8, I could recite all the lines and songs in this movie. Everything to me was impressive of how Tim Burton did certain things, like the face Jack the Pumpkin King smile were in all of his movies after Nightmare Before Christmas came out.
   When I turned 8 I had to get caught up to all the movies he made in 8 years, there was: Ed Wood, Mars Attack, and Sleepy Hollow. My favorite movie of all time was Mars Attack. Even though it did not get great reviews I still loved everything about it. It was his most complete different movie from what others have directed.

This website when I was younger helped me, find out how everything became for Tim Burton become what he is today. The most famous, wacky, different director ever been alive or at least in this century.  If you have not seen any of his movies that he has produced or directed then you do not know what you are missing. People have different opinions on movies but everyone has the same opinion that Tim Burton does have talent and that he changed this movie industry.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How to direct.

A way to direct a movie is all about finding a unique thing to do in each of your movies. Such as Tim Burton he always has a Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas somewhere in each of his movies. Also Catherine Hardwicke who is the director of the Twilight Saga, has a theme of certain lighting, making all the main characters pale and have certain things bright, such as Victoria’s red hair. Catherine Hardwicke is also directing the classic, Little Red Riding Hood, the 700 year old legend. As you can tell the hood will be the brightness of the movie.
  After you have found your niche the next main thing to direct a film is all about framing, which means ways to the film. There is many different types of viewing the film but the main ones are, long shot, extreme long shot, close up, medium shot, and two shot.
  When you have done this, your next step is to edit all of your film and your shots. While you are editing you must think is this scene that can make the movie a drab or is this a important scene and it needs something special to happen.
In this website they say the main 3 things to become a successful director is to have the ability to tell a story, have people skills and determination.  To have the ability to tell a story is what directing is all about, if you can not tell a story then don’t become a director. They also must have people skills, because at a certain time in your directing lives you must deal with a diva of an actor. You must be sure that everybody in your casts knows that you are the leader and that the diva actor or actresses can be replaced easily. And finally determination will make the movie come out to life for others to see.,r:11,s:0
With this photo, it shows who is in charge of this production also how in that view you have to see the overall picture, just like what a director has to do.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Newest update of Tim Burton movie...

Since Tim Burton directed the classic Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass, he made over 20 billion dollars in, he decided that he wanted to make another classic. The other classic is going to be Wizard of the Oz. It will not be called The Wizard of the Oz since its title is owned by MGM. But they are making a new version of it. A non-kid and family friendly version, which will be rated PG-13. It will be coming out most likely in the fall of 2013.
   The version that he is making is not a remake of the original from 1939, it will instead be a sequel. So others can not compare his movie to the original since it will not be even close to the same. It will not be one of those typical movies where a couple falls in love in the end. Actually, no one can guess what is going to happen next, the only people that will know will be Tim Burton himself and the Warner Brothers since they are the producers of the movie too. No one really knows who the cast is except that the Scarecrow will be Johnny Depp, one of Tim Burton’s closest friend.

“Follow the yellow brick road. It's strewn with CGI, tent poles and 3-D. And, of course, a little green.”
   This quote was from the original Wizard of the Oz. Saying the path that they are taking to make this movie which includes the two main things of this movie, the yellow brick road that Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Tin man, and the cowardly lion follow. Plus the other main actress the wicked witch of the west that has green skin.
-- Steven Zeitchik

Monday, February 7, 2011

Did you know.....

“Movies are like an expensive form of therapy for me.” – Tim Burton
 “Everyone has a story.” -Neil LaBute
 “Directing her was like directing Lassie. You need 14 takes to get each one of them right.”- Otto Preminger
If you are a Tim Burton, as me, then you know how creative Tim Burton is with his stories. The movies he has directed or produced so far are: Big Fish, Batman Begins, Alice in Wonderland, Mars Attack, Sweeny Todd, Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetle Juice, Sleepy Hollow, Batman: The Dark Night, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Planet of the Apes, and these are just some that were a major production. Tim Burton started after high school in 1976, Burton went to California Institute of the Arts. His school was founded by Disney looking for new animators. Burton entered the Disney animation program in his second year, thinking he can start a career with this. In 1979, he was drafted to join the Disney animation ranks.
When Burton got drafted by Disney he worked on The Fox and the Hound, but he thought it was not a joyful production to do.
Frankenweenie was his first film that he could put his real opinions in. It was only released theatrically overseas, and had limited availability on VHS. However, it would be the film that landed him his first feature directing job.
While he was filming Planet of the Apes, both of his parents died within a short space of time, I guess his parents could not bare being apart from each other. And his relationship with Lisa Marie ended after 4 years. But if they did not break up then he would have never laid his eyes on Helena Bonham Carter, who became one of his top picks of being the main actress in. While Johnny Depp is the main actor, on his list. Helena had a baby named Billy in October, 2003. He still making films fortunantly, but he is trying to spend more time with his family.,r:19,s:46&tx=55&ty=62

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tim Burton

Tim Burton is one of the greatest  director now a days.  He is famous for his dark, dimented, and the unusual side of the story that he transforms into movies.
  In this blog, you will learn how Tim Burton decided to make a career of being a director, also how he became one, Some people might not have recognize his name, but you will recognize his nameafter this or you will at least  recognize the movies he has been a director in such as: Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Sweeny Todd, Batman: the Dark Knight, Edward Scissorhands, and a lot more.  If you have never heard of any of these movies then you must have lived in a amish community and your life is not completed until you have seen at least one of his movies.
  In many of his movies he puts signatures in each of his movies. His most famous signature is showing the Jack the pumpkin king from Nightmare Before Christmas  smile at least once in each of his movies.  Such as in Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass, the Chesire cat keeps his smile while the whole body disappears.
  Tim Burton’s best friend is Johnny Depp who is most of the time the main characters in his movies that he has directed before, such as: Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass, Corpse Bride, Sweeny Todd and Edward Scissorhands.
 All you need to know about Tim Burton will be in my blog from the very beginning of his life like what made him decide to become a director and how he sees the true side of his story that he puts in movies that he wants to come out on screen so everybody can see what he thinks.
Director's Chair with Clipping Path Royalty Free Stock Photo